2.0.81: 2024-12-12 - Improvement: Contacts element - correctly escape email addresses with query strings - Improvement: Custom post types - make sure archive cards "Read More" button text is translatable - Improvement: Header HTML element - smarter sanitize of HTML output in combination with shortcodes - Improvement: Header mini cart - better handling for popper trigger - Improvement: Make sure the text domain is applied correctly for all translatable strings - Improvement: Proper output of footer bottom divider CSS 2.0.80: 2024-11-29 - Improvement: Add Bluesky network to share box module - Improvement: Improved logic for displaying responsive values in visibility options - Improvement: Make sure all styles are applied in Customizer live preview for cloned header elements - Improvement: Make sure the WooCommerce checkout block doesn't shift it's position - Fix: Header cart - make sure the new "hide cart when empty" option has the right default - Fix: Mobile menu arrow down chevron is affected by Advanced Menu icon size 2.0.79: 2024-11-28 - Improvement: Better integration with YITH Request a Quote Pro plugin and Custom Quantity input - Improvement: Core separator block CSS improvements - Improvement: Header cart element - add option to hide cart icon if no products are added to cart - Improvement: Improve logic for archives card output - Improvement: Make sure shortcode support for "link" field in "Contacts" block works properly - Improvement: Upgrade React dependencies to latest version to improve stability - Fix: Fixed small issue where shop catalogue mode was not displaying correctly 2.0.78: 2024-11-21 - Improvement: Correctly escape links in the contacts module - Improvement: Footer menu item - make sure direction option is correctly updated in customizer preview - Improvement: Header logo element - make sure "Inline SVG" option is displayed when there an SVG logo is uploaded - Improvement: Properly respect container max width for Elementor classic (old) sections - Improvement: Social channels - add Bluesky social network - Improvement: Tribe Events - Correct logic for comments in single event page 2.0.77: 2024-11-14 - Improvement: Archive cards add shadow option to image element when card is not boxed - Improvement: Better check for anchor animation module from Elementor - Improvement: Better detection of current page URL when using TranslatePress pro - Improvement: Better detection of current post in Dynamic Data block and Page/Post hero section - Improvement: Better integration with WordPress 6.7 - Improvement: Update WooCommerce mini cart template to the latest version 2.0.76: 2024-11-07 - Improvement: Better integration with Svea Checkout plugin - Improvement: Header cart element - improve tap interaction on touch devices - Improvement: Make sure Elementor color palette options are not created when the plugin is not active - Improvement: Related posts module - transform card elements in to layers for better organization - Improvement: Related products/upsells - option to change module title wrapper tag - Improvement: Safer check for shortcodes in current post when enqueueing CSS 2.0.75: 2024-10-24 - Fix: Correctly load assets in the frontend 2.0.74: 2024-10-24 - Improvement: Better compatibility with ReviewX plugin - Improvement: Better compatibility with WPC Buy Now Button for WooCommerce plugin - Improvement: Customizer form elements - add typography option - Improvement: Do not apply archive CSS to "Catalogue Sorting" block - Improvement: Header logo element - make sure the reset option works correctly - Improvement: Improve customizer UI styles for WordPress 6.7 - Improvement: Make sure footer menu element overflows text on more than one line when needed - Improvement: Output plain excerpt in open graph data - Improvement: Posts navigation image rendering issue in Safari when Imagify plugin replaces `img` with `picture` tag - Fix: Cart header element redirects to cart page on mobile after backing out of it 2.0.73: 2024-10-11 - Improvement: Better handling of responsive values in multiple places - Improvement: Make sure "updated date" custom format is translatable via WPML 2.0.72: 2024-10-10 - Improvement: AJAX single product add to cart - speed improvements - Improvement: Convert share box network switches in to addable box for better organization - Improvement: Ensure global styles are correctly outputted in customizer mode - Improvement: Make sure customizer reset option applies to "Product Catalogue" options too - Improvement: Make sure products shortcode is displayed correctly in Elementor edit mode 2.0.71: 2024-10-04 - Improvement: Responsive value correct migration 2.0.70: 2024-10-03 - Improvement: Correctly define min/max bounds for product quantity input - Improvement: Correctly display cart dropdown on touch devices - Improvement: Menu header element live preview sync issue when changing hover types - Improvement: Smarter and more optimized options saving in customizer 2.0.69: 2024-09-26 - Improvement: Better compatibility with Svea Checkout plugin - Improvement: Footer divider remains set for tablet/mobile views if number of columns is set to one column - Improvement: Use native REST API search endpoint for live results retrieval - Fix: Footer logo - per device image selection does not work properly 2.0.68: 2024-09-19 - Improvement: Custom post types - improve handling of multiple non-hierarchical taxonomies - Improvement: Newsletter block correctly maintain container width when placed inside a footer column - Improvement: Product badges - add typography option - Improvement: Sidebar design choice does not correctly show separator in live preview when switching to it from a non-separator view - Improvement: Smarter detection for add to cart layer in the single product - Improvement: Sticky sidebar position issue in customizer preview if design choice (type) is changed 2.0.67: 2024-09-12 - Improvement: Better compatibility with Comment Form Editor with TinyMCE plugin - Improvement: Change archive cards content horizontal alignment option value from `left/right` to `start/end` for better RTL support - Improvement: Minor style improvements for WooCommerce checkout and cart blocks - Improvement: Mobile menu - better detect child elements if a menu is not assigned - Improvement: Search through taxonomies improved SQL taxonomies lookup - Improvement: Single product AJAX add to cart more reliable button selector - Improvement: Update `mini-cart` template to latest version - Improvement: WooCommerce product archive - add possibility to display product tags - Fix: Single post "Share Box" copy to clipboard option does not work when tooltip is enabled 2.0.66: 2024-09-06 - Improvement: Better check for instance type in the woocommerce_post_class - Improvement: Better compatibility with Nexi Checkout plugin - Improvement: Single product AJAX add to cart better check for form action presence - Fix: Fix an issue with not correctly breaking words 2.0.65: 2024-09-05 - Improvement: Aspect ratio reverse button changes states if switched from a reversible ratio to a non-reversible one - Improvement: Breadcrumbs Home string couldn't be found in Polylang strings/translations pane - Improvement: Certain foreign lengthy words go outside the bounds of the drop down menu - Improvement: Open Graph issue when "The Events Calendar" plugin is active 2.0.64: 2024-08-29 - Improvement: Better integration with Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce plugin - Improvement: Make sure code block font size adjustments work properly in all cases - Improvement: More robust redirection to cart pages on touch devices - Improvement: Product variation custom gallery - better integration with WPML plugin - Improvement: Products archive short description - option to output full short description without stripping tags - Improvement: Scroll trigger don't attempt to mount logic if element was removed from the page - Improvement: Share box - add link item with possibility to copy post/page url to clipboard 2.0.63: 2024-08-22 - Improvement: Add theme editor options for The Events Calendar single post templates - Improvement: New sort icon with selected dropdown option overlays the icon - Improvement: Small visual issue for product variation gallery option - Fix: Better handle infinite and load more pagination in Advanced Posts block - Fix: Single product AJAX add to cart does not work if archives AJAX add to cart is disabled 2.0.62: 2024-08-15 - New: Header builder - option to add backdrop blur (frosted glass) effect - Improvement: Add anchor links to product tabs type 4 - Improvement: Better compatibility with Formidable Forms registration and theme avatars - Improvement: Ensure WPRocket never defers execution of Blocksy's frontend localization script - Improvement: Improved check for customizer preview in AJAX add to cart product logic - Improvement: Make sure `[product_page]` shortcode loads the single product assets correctly - Improvement: WooCommerce Single product - Ensure `woocommerce_share` action is called in the correct place - Improvement: WooCommerce filter canvas button and sorting option on the same line on mobile 2.0.61: 2024-08-08 - Improvement: Better handle Disqus comments with "Contained" module placement - Improvement: Customizer options - better handle options with long translated labels - Improvement: Customizer range/slider option - make sure invalid values are handled correctly - Improvement: Product archive columns number option - better handle revert state 2.0.60: 2024-08-01 - Improvement: Author page hero section - color options for the social icons - Improvement: Better `schema.org` markup for post comments - Improvement: Cart page quantity update does not work with keyboard input if browser is in responsive view - Improvement: Share box - add possibility to share on Threads platform - Improvement: Single product image zoom effect does not zoom to the appropriate place on first zoom on touch devices 2.0.59: 2024-07-25 - Improvement: Better apply single product modifications to handle pages made with `[product_page]` shortcode - Improvement: Bring "custom class" feature to footer button element - Improvement: Correctly load customizer preview when WP Optimize is active - Improvement: Pagination infinity scroll - better handle layouts made with Elementor - Improvement: Products card type 1 - add option to align add to cart button - Improvement: Star rating styling issue for cross sell products if new WooCommerce Cart block is used 2.0.58: 2024-07-17 - Improvement: Classic Widgets plugin causes a customizer conflict in color palettes dropdown - Improvement: Load back to top styles earlier for iOS devices - Improvement: Make sure share box module pop-ups are opening correctly in Safari - Improvement: Menu heights are inconsistent when there's a drop down present in another drop down - Improvement: Output correctly the product cards markup when used as shortcode in Elementor preview mode - Fix: Single product gallery image ratio option doesn't live update it's value 2.0.57: 2024-07-04 - Improvement: Advanced Search live results `z-index` issue with other product elements, when placed in hero section - Improvement: Improve single product gallery events handling on user interaction - Improvement: Make sure classic widgets logic for conversion to blocks work correctly when updating from an old version - Fix: Border radius issue on archive cards in simple/boxed layout 2.0.56: 2024-06-27 - Improvement: Better integration with WooCommerce Force Default Variant plugin - Improvement: Correct emojis insertion in `wp-editor` option type - Improvement: Correctly re-mount scroll lock logic on overlay update for iOS devices - Improvement: Make sure card meta element applies margin bottom correctly - Improvement: Responsive menu - correctly take in consideration menu inline margin - Improvement: Share box - add support for LINE social network - Improvement: Smarter handling for cart popover on touch devices with pointing capabilities - Fix: Header button with outline style does not correctly apply font proprieties 2.0.55: 2024-06-21 - Improvement: Better compatibility with Annasta Woocommerce Product Filters plugin - Improvement: Better compatibility with RankMath and breadcrumbs - Fix: Hovering the cart icon on a touch device that also has mouse input automatically redirects the site to the cart page - Fix: Lightbox gallery does not close on mobile if tapped outside the image - Fix: Product tabs font size does not work with type 4 design 2.0.54: 2024-06-17 - Improvement: Ensure all assets are loaded correctly in the customizer preview 2.0.53: 2024-06-07 - Improvement: General fixes and improvements 2.0.52: 2024-06-06 - Improvement: Better scope `[related_products]` shortcode css when slider mode is enabled - Improvement: Card image border radius is not applied if image is the only child of the container - Improvement: Core paragraph blocks are not editable in customizer widget area option type - Improvement: Correctly position breadcrumb arrows/separators in RTL mode - Improvement: Make sure `